- 17-09-2024
Your website is the hub of your digital presence. It is your brand identity plus your marketing stationery. HelpScout’s Gregory Ciotti, in his article ‘10 Proven Ways to Build
a Website that Customers Will Love’ says, “While it can be a tough balance to achieve, creating a functional, streamlined and well-designed website is well worth the effort.” This is why there are a myriad of professional web designers and graphic designers who work towards building an excellent user-experience and user-interface.
The appearance and usability of your corporate website influences your bottom line, which is the source of your company’s net income. You want to retain visitors on your website long enough so they purchase your product or service. You also want your existing customers to become your promoters. How do you do this?
By designing a good website, you can attract and retain customers. Here are three important criteria for web design that will get you more customers.
Easy Navigation
Navigation refers to how well you can guide your potential and existing customers around your website towards your corporate landing pages. For this, it is important to keep up with the latest website designing trends. Through this knowledge, you will know about the changing aesthetic preferences of your target market, and the transforming world of web design. There are some things you must always remember, however. These include:
- Keep navigation buttons, colors and fonts consistent
- Clearly divide page categories with no visual ambiguity
- Make navigation links and buttons clickable
- Attach the ALT text with all clickable navigation links
- Make sure that the search bar function on your site works
This way, customers can easily look around your website. Note that it only takes 3 seconds for online users to bounce off from a website. This means that you have only a limited time to attract and engage your target audience. To test out whether your strategy is working, Stoney deGeyter, CEO of Pole Position Marketing, suggests that analytics can help companies assess the success of their website.
White Space
Graphic designer, Ellen Lupton says, “Design is as much an act of spacing as an act of marking.” A non-designer may wonder why there is white space, while a designer deliberately and tactfully leaves space in order to give balance to a website design. You may have seen over loaded websites, with no space to give your eyes a rest. In some countries like China, the public prefers such designs. However, when getting your corporate website designed you need to let the web designer make effective use of white space. This space does not need to be white, but it should be blank. This blankness can be in the color of your identity palette.
How will this help to hold your customer’s attention?
It will create a sense of direction for your customers. If everything is colorful and vibrant then how will you ‘emphasize’ certain things? To put emphasis on some things, you need to make use of white space. You need to tell the designer what is important for you on your website.
Prioritize CTA (Call-to-action) Buttons
If you do not know what Call-to-Action buttons are then you must read about them. These are essential for your website, and lead visitors towards your landing pages. These buttons usually have a catchy and short phrase with or without an icon to accompany it. It is not necessary that CTAs lead viewers to one of your purchasing pages; it can guide them towards downloading eBooks, whitepaper or product/service in-depth details.
This way, anyone who comes to your website will know where to click. Obviously, the navigation bar also leads them from one page to another; but with a CTA, you can control where you want your visitors to go.
These are the three most basic yet the some of the most vital aspects of a good web design. If you can accomplish these three strategies effectively then you can attract twice as many customers as you do today!